Ethereum Classic Blog

ETC exchange trading and other news

Announcements, Apps, Development, Education

News update

Ethereum Classic is starting to make some serious waves. With a surprise announcement of ETC trading on Poloniex, it immediately became trader's favorite. ETC/BTC is now the most active pair on Poloniex, with daily trading volume exceeding 100K BTC. Chinese exchange Yunbi announced start of ETC trading tomorrow. Coinmarketcap added ETC to its coin lineup, where it currently fighting with Litecoin for #5 position, with a market cap exceeding $150 mln.

Please engage in ETC trading if you are interested in active market and want to increase your stake in Ethereum Classic. Some people were asking if ETC is planning to do a token sale similar to ETH presale. In a certain sense you could say that ETC presale is running right now.


Miners who support Classic are now able to make good money: turns out, Classic mining is the most profitable of all GPU coins. New pools added ETC mining support. ETC nethash increased significantly to about 500 GH. Current Classic pools:

New pools, please list yourself on ETC Wiki.

More info on solo mining and more mining tips.

The pools listed above are run independently of Ethereum Classic project, so do your own due diligence. BTW, why don't you start running your own Classic pool? Here is some opensource code, if you are interested.

Community tools

You can use (beta) block explorers to follow the chain progress:

Slack channels always have lively discussions:

Our newest addition: Ethereum Classic wiki. Please share your knowledge and help others get going with Classic.


Please help us spread the word about Ethereum Classic around Ethereum community and beyond! Use this logo set or create something better still. Start websites. Write blog posts. Tweet. Let people know about Ethereum Classic and its value proposition.

Thanks for your support, and let's move our chain along! Stay classy, everyone! ;)